object frPgoptForm: TfrPgoptForm Left = 200 Top = 108 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize, biHelp] BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Page options' ClientHeight = 189 ClientWidth = 381 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Position = poScreenCenter OnActivate = FormActivate OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Button1: TButton Left = 220 Top = 160 Width = 75 Height = 25 HelpContext = 40 Caption = 'OK' Default = True ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 0 end object Button2: TButton Left = 302 Top = 160 Width = 75 Height = 25 HelpContext = 50 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 373 Height = 149 ActivePage = TabSheet1 TabOrder = 2 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet Caption = 'Paper' object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 198 Top = 8 Width = 163 Height = 69 Caption = 'Orientation' TabOrder = 0 object imgLandScape: TImage Left = 121 Top = 25 Width = 32 Height = 26 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object imgPortrait: TImage Left = 124 Top = 21 Width = 26 Height = 32 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object RB1: TRadioButton Left = 8 Top = 20 Width = 85 Height = 17 HelpContext = 111 Caption = 'Portrait' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = RB1Click end object RB2: TRadioButton Left = 8 Top = 40 Width = 85 Height = 17 HelpContext = 120 Caption = 'Landscape' Checked = True TabOrder = 1 TabStop = True OnClick = RB2Click end end object GroupBox3: TGroupBox Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 185 Height = 109 Caption = 'Size' TabOrder = 1 object Label1: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 56 Width = 50 Height = 13 Caption = 'Width, mm' FocusControl = E1 end object Label2: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 80 Width = 53 Height = 13 Caption = 'Height, mm' FocusControl = E2 end object ComB1: TComboBox Left = 8 Top = 20 Width = 169 Height = 21 HelpContext = 130 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ComB1Click end object E1: TEdit Left = 80 Top = 52 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 140 TabOrder = 1 end object E2: TEdit Left = 80 Top = 76 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 150 TabOrder = 2 end end object CB2: TCheckBox Left = 200 Top = 88 Width = 161 Height = 17 Caption = 'Unlimited height' TabOrder = 2 end end object TabSheet4: TTabSheet Caption = 'Source' object GroupBox6: TGroupBox Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 185 Height = 105 Caption = 'Paper source' TabOrder = 0 object BinList: TListBox Left = 12 Top = 18 Width = 161 Height = 75 HelpContext = 195 ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 end end end object TabSheet2: TTabSheet Caption = 'Margins' object GroupBox4: TGroupBox Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 253 Height = 109 Caption = 'Page margins' TabOrder = 0 object Label3: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 56 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Left, mm' FocusControl = E3 end object Label4: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 80 Width = 41 Height = 13 Caption = 'Top, mm' FocusControl = E4 end object Label5: TLabel Left = 132 Top = 56 Width = 47 Height = 13 Caption = 'Right, mm' FocusControl = E5 end object Label6: TLabel Left = 132 Top = 80 Width = 55 Height = 13 Caption = 'Bottom, mm' FocusControl = E6 end object CB5: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 20 Width = 237 Height = 17 HelpContext = 62 Caption = 'Stretch to print area' TabOrder = 0 end object E3: TEdit Left = 80 Top = 52 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 72 TabOrder = 1 end object E4: TEdit Left = 80 Top = 76 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 81 TabOrder = 2 end object E5: TEdit Left = 204 Top = 52 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 91 TabOrder = 3 end object E6: TEdit Left = 204 Top = 76 Width = 40 Height = 21 HelpContext = 101 TabOrder = 4 end end end object TabSheet3: TTabSheet Caption = 'Other' object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 4 Top = 8 Width = 209 Height = 109 Caption = 'Options' TabOrder = 0 object CB1: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 20 Width = 185 Height = 17 HelpContext = 160 Caption = 'Print to previous page' TabOrder = 0 end end object GroupBox5: TGroupBox Left = 220 Top = 8 Width = 141 Height = 109 Caption = 'Columns' TabOrder = 1 object Label7: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 24 Width = 37 Height = 13 Caption = 'Number' end object Label8: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 52 Width = 42 Height = 13 Caption = 'Gap, mm' FocusControl = E7 end object E7: TEdit Left = 8 Top = 68 Width = 53 Height = 21 HelpContext = 180 TabOrder = 0 end object Edit1: TEdit Tag = 6 Left = 84 Top = 21 Width = 43 Height = 21 HelpContext = 170 TabOrder = 1 Text = '1' end object Panel8: TPanel Left = 108 Top = 23 Width = 17 Height = 17 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 2 object SB1: TfrSpeedButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 17 Height = 8 Glyph.Data = { 86000000424D8600000000000000760000002800000007000000040000000100 0400000000001000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00FFFFFFF0F000 00F0FF000FF0FFF0FFF0} Spacing = 0 OnClick = SB1Click end object SB2: TfrSpeedButton Left = 0 Top = 9 Width = 17 Height = 8 Glyph.Data = { 86000000424D8600000000000000760000002800000007000000040000000100 0400000000001000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000 80000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00FFF0FFF0FF00 0FF0F00000F0FFFFFFF0} OnClick = SB2Click end end end end end end